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Our Wraparound Team

A little bit about who we are 

Concrete Wall

Terri Warnick

Wraparound Program Manager

As a Program Manager for High Fidelity Wraparound, I have the honor of working with an amazing team who spends their time helping families and youth in the community.  The Wraparound team ensures families and youth are connected to various resources and various therapeutic services.  We have an amazing caring, thoughtful team at Humboldt NeuroHealth. 

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    Nicholas Wennerholm

    Lead Therapeutic Skills Coach

    Working  with Wraparound allows me to give back to a community which has given so much to me.
    Everyday is a new challenge, and I wake up looking forward to facing it alongside my creative, intelligent coworkers. This program has set me on a path, beyond anything I had ever imagined.


      Kayla Fillman

      Wraparound Lead Clinical Case Manager/Facilitator 

      I love working with Humboldt Neurohealths Wraparound Program because I love seeing families rebuild their lives, build upon their strengths and reach their goals. I believe it is important for families to have supportive systems and to reach a place of understanding and unconditional positive regard for each other. Helping reunite and strengthen foster families is a special gift that I cherish. 


        Sione Shafer

        Wraparound Case Manager

        Being part of the Wraparound team allows me to offer valuable resources and foster deep connections to support and strengthen families in our community. Born and raised in Humboldt County and having been a foster parent myself, I understand the unique benefits this program provides in creating lasting positive change in the lives of our families. I am excited to contribute to this incredible team and its mission.

          Holly Gleaton

          Therapeutic Skills Coach

          What I love most about my job is the people I’ve met along the way and all they have taught me,

          most have truly influenced my perspective on the importance of acceptance, gratitude and the

          meaning of life. My goal is to support clients on their journey of ups and downs. One of the most

          rewarding parts of my job is watching clients reach their goals and see for themselves how

          much they are truly capable of achieving.

            Blue Skies
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            Ingrid Zulgis

            Therapeutic Skills Coach

            Working with wraparound has allowed me to help families more than I thought I could. I love being able to support the families we work with and help shape their child’s view of the world that they once thought was so harsh. Being able to allow these kids a safe space to be themselves and to show them that there is so much good that can come from this world is something I look forward to when working with my client

              Blue Skies

              Allison Stanfield

              Therapeutic Skills Coach

              In my work with Wraparound families, I strive to find creative and impactful solutions to address their unique needs. I enjoy helping my clients set and achieve goals that enrich their lives and empower them to overcome obstacles. By addressing trauma and creating deeper awareness, it's possible to expand their capacity for growth and healing, as well as set them up for success in their future endeavors.

                Allison Stanfield
                Blue Skies

                Dylan Heard

                Therapeutic Skills Coach

                Working as a Therapeutic Skills Coach allows me to work with clients one on one. Using principles from trauma informed care helps me create a safe space for clients to express and understand their emotions in a healthy manner.


                  Blue Skies

                  Autumn Slater

                  Therapeutic Skills Coach

                  I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to serve our community through Humboldt Neurohealth’s Wraparound Program. The most rewarding aspect of my work is witnessing the children we support develop confidence and resilience, and celebrating their achievements alongside them. In my role, I aspire to create a safe and supportive environment where clients can fully express themselves and realize their true potential.

                    Blue Skies

                    Gala Tubera

                    Case Management Intern


                    Wraparound Program Specialist

                    As a Wraparound Case Manager, my goal is to support kids and their families on their journey towards strength and stability. I strongly believe in the tenets of Aloha and use that as my foundation in approaching all clients with compassion, care, and understanding. I am currently pursuing my Master's degree in Social Work and I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to meet and work with folks from all backgrounds and give back to our Humboldt community. 


                      Blue Skies
                      Photo coming soon

                      Anna Imthurn

                      Therapeutic Skills Coach

                      Bio Coming Soon


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